ARBE SERVICES. Complete handyman/ home maintenance & repair. Romeo resident. References. Bob, cell 313-268-4489, 586-752-2965.
ELDERCARE specialist assisting families caring for seniors. Lifelong Romeo resident. Call Friends for Seniors, 586-817-5721
HARDWORKING college student wants work. Yard work, power washing. Reasonable rates, Call Travis, 586-337-5458.
LOCAL PAINTERS. interior/exterior, deck staining, power washing and more. Affordable prices. Call Nick 248-420-0046
NO TIME? CALL US. We do trimming, shrubs, bushes, hedges. Install mulch, sod, gravel, topsoil. Power washing, sealer, new/repair patio. Free estimates. 586-843-8412.
PAINTING. Interior, exterior, decks. Reasonable rates. Dependable, 25 years experience. Call for free estimate. Tony, 586-784-9763.
RETIRED carpenter needs work. $100/day. (586)531-0899.
TREE CUTTING, stump removal. Very reasonable. Licensed and insured. Home Solutions, 586-419-7230