Want to place your ad online?
Use the
FORM BELOW by 9 a.m. the
FRIDAY before the next Wednesday edition.
To place a classified ad by phone
Call (586) 752-3524 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Deadline
BY PHONE CALL for each Wednesday edition is 3 p.m. on Monday.
- Up to 15 words for 3 weeks...$21.00
(our most popular rate)
- Up to 15 words for 1 week....$15.00
- Up to 15 words for 2 weeks...$18.00
- Each additional week.............$7.00
- There is an extra charge for each additional word after 15
- Your phone number counts as one word
Placing a Classified Liner Ad Online
Fill in the form below and we'll call you to confirm your ad (before it can be placed in the newspaper) and give pricing.
Ads placed using the form below must be sent to us by 9 a.m. the
FRIDAY BEFORE the Wednesday edition.
Note: Deadline online has been changed to better serve our customers.)
Ads placed after 9 a.m. on Friday
MUST be called into our office at (586) 752-3524 before 3 p.m. on Monday
to make it into the next edition.