Published at PO Box 96 124 W. St. Clair Romeo, MI 48065. Phone: (586)752-3524 Fax: (586)752-0548
Updated Wednesday, June 24, 2015 at 3 PM EST
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ARTICULATE cleaning person. Must be 21 or older and have reliable, insured car. Great for homemakers. Monday-Friday. Residential cleaning. Queen Sweep, 586-731-4023.
BRIDGEPORT operator. Full-time w/benefits. Immediate positions available. Please send resume to:
CAREGIVER. Rochester, 25-Mile & Dequindre. Transferring required. 2 hours nightly, starting 7:00. Morning/evening weekends. Midnight hours also available. $12/hour. 248-535-3830.
CNC MACHINIST and programmer. Haas Vertical Mills Camworks software. Experience w/mill, tooling, part setup and fixturing. Please send resume to:
CNC PRODUCTION Milling Machine Operator, will train, prefer ability to read micrometers and calipers. $12.10/hr. to start with company paid benefits including medical, dental, 401K and 12 paid holidays. Apply in person at Quality Chaser, 120 E. Pond Dr. Romeo, or call 586-752-5893
CREATIVE empowerment opportunities is accepting applications for skill building instructors to work with the developmentally disabled adults at our Washington Township program. 586-935-1500.
DIESEL MECHANIC tractor/trailer experience required. Full-time. Benefits after 90 days. Competitive pay. 586-752-4529, ext. 1005.
DRIVER/MOVER wanted to handle regional household goods moves for corporate client base. Hourly+extras, lodging/per diem paid. Home nightly/weekends. Valid chauffer or CDL-A license. Minimum 2 years experience. (586)752-5882.
EXPERIENCED medical assistant, full-time position for qualified candidate at busy medical office. Please fax resume: 586-331-2323.
HOME DAILY Drivers, Min 3-Mos Exp w/acceptable schooling, background. Benefits after 90 days, 586-752-4529 ext1028
JANITOR needed for 67 bed long-term facility in Armada. Fulle time, includes some weekends and holidays. Benefits package. Requires background check, physical and drug screen. Apply in person, 22600 W. Main St., Armada or online at
LOCAL PLUMBING company has open positions for both exerienced and apprentice level jobs, full/part time. Good mechanical skills a plus. Drug-free workplace, testing required. Fax resume: 586-752-7300 or call: 586-752-5998 to schedule an appoinment.
MAKE a difference and become a Home Instead Care Giver. Training and flexible shifts provided. www. homeinstead/ or h.gundy@homein stead to apply.
MOTIVATED, caring and dependable direct care staff needed for group homes located in Macomb/Oakland Counties. Starting wages $8.84-$8.92/hr. plus benefits and incentives. MORC trained preferred, please inquire at 586-781-5040 ext. 11 or fax resume to: 586-781-5530.
NANNY, Experienced with interest in healthy foods, structured living and outdoor play. Part-time, 2-3 days a week. Long-term position. 248-840-1254
NOW HIRING direct care workers. Come join our team! We have two locations in North Macomb. 31 Mile/Mound, please call Janette, 586-246-1378 and 34 Mile/Van Dyke, please call Sarita, 586-246-1437. Full and part-time, flexible hours. $8.40/start and $8.90 once trained. No experience necessary.
PART-TIME after school jobs. Farm labor, hay, possible horse experience. (586)752-2022, leave message.
RAY TOWNSHIP. Recording Secretary. Monthly board, planning and ZBA meetings. Call or email the clerk, 586-749-5171 or Paula Artman, Clerk
ROMEO AREA Asphalt Maintenance company seeking to hire full time laborers for asphalt, concrete, striping, and sealing. Chauffeurs or CDL license a plus. 401K available. Email: or call 586-752-8989. Leave message.
ROMEO LIFE Skills now accepting applications for employment working with developmentally disabled adults. Apply at: 100 McLean Dr., Romeo, MI 48065. MORC or CMHA training preferred but not necessary. .
SHORT order cook, experienced. Kitchen help nights. Huddle Bar & Grill, Almont. Apply in person. (810)798-3274.
WATER Treatment Technician, reliable, reasonably clean drivers record. Will train right person. Service and install water treatment equipment and deliver salt and water to customers. 586-752-7600.

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Retrieved 2/16/2025 at 4:27:46 PM.
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Phone: (586) 752-3524, Fax: (586) 752-0548
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