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Updated Wednesday, June 24, 2015 at 3 PM EST
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Posted: 06/24/15

Beauvais reappointed
to library board

      A Bruce Township appointee to the Romeo District Library board withdrew her name and the current board member was reappointed at the township's June 17 meeting.
       After being nominated by Supervisor Richard Cory, Terese Servitto-Smith asked that her name be withdrawn stating that RDL board members didn't have a "bad thing to say" about Debra Beauvais and other Bruce Township appointee Mike Meloeny. She encouraged the board to re-appoint Beauvais.
       "After talking with these people I think you guys would be making a really good choice if you just picked Debra and put her back on for that appointment," said Servitto-Smith.
       Cory agreed to amend his motion to re-appoint Beauvais for the four-year term beginning July 1, 2015 and ending June 30, 2019.
       The motion was approved 5-0.

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