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Posted: 06/24/15

County to review
Pet Acquisition Ordinance

      The Macomb County Board of Commissioners passed a resolution on June 11, asking the communities of Macomb County to review a model Humane Pet Acquisition Ordinance.
       The model ordinance, drafted by the County's Corporation Counsel, is intended to provide guidance to local communities should they decide to ban the sale of dogs, cats, rabbits, ferrets, long-lived birds and reptiles. While the mock ordinance aims to ban the sale of animals from commercial animal breeding facilities in pet stores, it does not try to regulate the sale of animals through registered breeders.
       Research shows that restrictions on the sale of animals in pet stores would help reduce the number of animals placed and euthanized in animal shelters. Additionally, by promoting the adoption of dogs and cats, a local Humane Pet Acquisition Ordinance would reduce the financial burden on local taxpayers who pay much of the cost to care for and euthanize many animals.

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