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Posted: 06/24/15

Residency is issue
for PC appointee

      The Bruce Township Board of Trustees voted 3-2 at its June 17 meeting on a motion to re-appoint Planning Commission member Blake Taylor even though his residency came into question.
       Township Treasurer Debbie Obrecht agreed with Trustee Mark Falker that Planning Commission appointees should be residents of the township. Obrecht said Taylor had not lived in the township for the past two years.
       "I think we are at a critical time for our community, we are updating and revising our Master Plan and I think it should be written by residents sitting on the Planning Commission," said Obrecht.
       Obrecht asked the board to consider resident Terese Servitto-Smith for the position. Servitto-Smith was nominated to be a member of the Romeo District Library board but asked for her name to be withdrawn from consideration earlier in the meeting.
       Clerk Susan Brockmann said Taylor had been a long-term resident of the township and also a business owner in the township. She said it was "highly inappropriate" that a board member would reveal at a public meeting where a board member lives.

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Retrieved 2/16/2025 at 4:30:07 PM.
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